Although we have purchased the genuine leather bag we like, if we use it improperly or do not take care of it, it will not be able to keep our beloved leather bag with us for a long time. If we want it to last longer, we must learn how to maintain genuine leather bags . Genuine leather bags There are many ways to maintain bags. Editor Li Ji wrote down his most practical experience to share, hoping it can help everyone.
Li Ji | Original leather handmade | Large capacity weekend bag travel bag No. S999
1. Cherish
The most important way to maintain a cowhide bag is to "use it and cherish it." When using the handbag, pay attention to not being scratched, rained, or stained. These are the most basic common sense for maintaining leather goods. Otherwise, if you wait until a problem occurs to deal with it, the effect will be suboptimal.
2. Collection
For leather bags that are to be stored after the season, clean the leather surface before storing them, and put clean shredded paper or cotton shirts into the bag to maintain the shape of the bag. Then put the bag into a soft cotton bag and store it in the bag. Leather bags in the cabinet should be prevented from being deformed by improper extrusion.
Cabinets for storing leather products must be kept ventilated. For example, cabinets with shutter doors are better. At the same time, it is best not to put too many items in the cabinet. The natural oils in leather will gradually decrease over time or with excessive use, so even high-end leather goods require regular maintenance. It is recommended that you dust your leather products every time before storing them.
3. Nursing
For general leather products, it is best to apply leather maintenance oil first. The method is to apply the oil on a clean cotton cloth, and then wipe the surface evenly. Avoid applying oil directly to the leather products to avoid damaging the leather products.
4. Anti-fouling
Leather has strong absorbency, so you should pay attention to anti-fouling, especially frosted leather. If there are stains on the leather, wipe it with a clean wet sponge dipped in warm detergent, and then let it dry naturally. You can try it out in an inconspicuous corner before formal use.
5. Waterproof and greaseproof
If a drink is spilled on the leather, immediately wipe it with a clean cloth or sponge, wipe it with a damp cloth and let it dry naturally. Do not use a hair dryer to dry it. It can be wiped clean with a dry cloth, and the remaining residue can be dissipated naturally or cleaned with detergent. Do not scrub with water.
If your leather goods are accidentally exposed to rain, you must wipe off the water drops and place them in a ventilated and cool place to air dry. Do not use fire to dry or expose to sunlight.
6. Do not expose to the sun
Do not expose leather products to the sun, as this will cause the leather to dry out and fade.